Clinical and Behavioral Iridology Consultation and Irisdiagnosis


Clinical and Behavioral Iridology Consultation and Irisdiagnosis
(online or in person)

Iridology is a science that studies the signs (symbols) that are reflected in the fibers of the iris and that indicate some imbalance in a particular organ or system of the body. Iris diagnosis is substantially more dynamic than medical diagnosis, since it follows the evolution and transformation of an analyzed organism moment by moment.

Iridiagnosis studies, through the iris, the human being as a whole, including mental, emotional, psychic and even spiritual aspects and the eye, particularly the iris, as an instrument of vision that represents the greatness of the human being in relation to everything that surrounds them, micro and macroscopically.

Iridology consultations make it possible to read health or illness in the eye. They allow the detection of some evolving disorders and clinically prevent them from developing into more serious pathologies. Reading the iris opens the door to the secrets of health and illness, because the eyes express much more than just generalized feelings, they also convey different ways of thinking and acting. The iris is the mirror of the soul that reflects all the processes of human evolution.

The iris is the mirror of the soul that reflects all the processes of human evolution.

Carl Gustav Jung

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."